19/01/2017 0 Por Carlos Joaquim
Salvation is act created by God, that had used his son to conciliate us with himself. And it is also a demonstration of the greatest love of God by the whole humanity.
It is the greatest gift of God, to all, his most perfect creation. This masterpiece!
In Athus 4:12, we see that there is no salvation to that is not under the name of Jhesus.There is no other name! Without Jhesus nobody reaches the paradise, because
Jhesus is the entrance of the gates of heaven.
The salvation of the humanity has two aspects to God: God wants it and  the endless mercy.
And in 2 Corinthious 5:18, Paulo shows that we are brought together with God trought Christ that have given us the power of reconciliation. Oh, Glory!
In John 1:12, we notice the difference between the sons of God and the creatures of God. Sons are those who receive Jhesus and believe in his name, and follow his steps.
Cratures are those who live in the world and love his thongs.
Our salvation had cost a high price for Jhesus, but for us the salvation is Free, since we would never be able to pay for it, not even by the grace of God. And this is shown in Ephesius 2:8 e 9.
We all need salvation, and we all need to regret to our sins because the sins have entered in the Eden, right after the creation of the world.
And God only demanded obedience from men. And God hasn’t answered! Men desobeyed, infringed and committed sin.
And for all descendants of men, it was transmitted us an inheritance. The stigma of the sin and death. All that happen to us is inherited from the sins and this is very clear in Romans 5:12, that says: “Concluding the same way that the sin had entered in the world through one man and because of the sin the death had been directed to all  human being, therefore all had committed sins.” 
How to escape from this condemnation? Romans 8:1 says: “Therefore there is no more condemnation for those who are in Jhesus Christ.”
But, my dears readers, the effects of the sin affect men fisically, morally, and spiritually, and always in a very negative way. The consequences of the sin affect us and cause seven different things:
SELF JUSTIFICATION: Adan and Eva felt naked and have covered their bodies with leaves from the trees nearby.
FEAR: As soon as they heard’s God’s voice they were afraid.
WORK: From now on it will be necessary to work to eat. All with pain and sacrifice.
DEATH: Men return to ashes.
EXPULSION FROM EDEN: God expel men from Eden.
VIOLENCE AND HOMICIDES: Caim murdered Abel. Fights, and violence andhimicides begin and don’t stop anymore. Observe the world around you…
THE WICKEDNESS STRIKES MEN: Men bocome bad, corrupt themselves, turn themselves in prostitution and become violent, and then some diseases cause them wakefulness and destruction.
For us to be saved and reach the glory of God, we need to consider three distincts and simultaneous aspects:
JUSTIFICATION: How to justify with God? Well, the death of Jhesus had allowed justifications. God is the only offended and God himself forgives those who offended him.
REGENERATION: In sin, men is far way of God and close to the Evil. The death of Jhesus Christ is freed us from sin, and we are new creatures.
SANTIFICATION: Men don’t committ sins, and this will reflect in their convertion.They got a saint behavior and everybody notices it.
Readers, the result at the salvation is to have faith in God! It is to obtain victory over the sins!
And people committ sins because they are tempted to. Eva was fooled because she wasn’t aware about the dangerous rsiks that she was exposed to, that’s why you should find strenght in your weakness. Resist to the temptation. It can be good, but is very dangerous.
Each of us know exactly our weak points, and the enemy also knows them. That’s why they are always trying to persuade us to continue to committ sins.
So, be wise! And find strenght and try to escape from Evil. Remenber that the Holy Spirit is among us, and he his our best friend and our main advisor.
So, be with Holy Spirit all the time, and always be alert. But why?
Because the result of the salvation is to become member at God’s Family, in the Paradise. What a huge Glory!
Curitiba, 18 de janeiro de 2017.